October 10, 2011

Day 6.

                     {A picture of someone you'd like to trade places with.}

I had a bit of  a hard time with this, but this is the one I settled on: a child. Simply because as an adult, your eyes are so much more opened to the problems and the dangers in the world around you. As a child, you're taught certain things ie: don't talk to strangers, tell someone anytime you go anywhere, don't do certain things, etc,.-but for the most part, you're oblivious to the things that happen around you. As a child, all you know is what's in your immediate sights, the day-to-day things. You aren't really subjected to the negative things going on right now in the economy, the war, political groups arguing back & forth. Adults worry about how they're going to pay their bills, going to work, etc, but as a child your biggest concern is probably something like whether or not your best friend will be over to come over and play that day, or what you're going to dress up as.....simple little things like that. There are no worries when it comes to money, or where you're going to end up living, or whether or not you'll get laid off-there's just this simple little world you live in, where you call the shots and your parents can somehow solve anything. What I would've give to go back to that, even for just one day :-)

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